The Villages at Meadow Lakes is comprised of 5 neighborhoods. Baybrook, Heatherwood, Meadowbrook, Meadowridge, and Prairie Star.
Within each neighborhood, we have up to 3 volunteers that are called Neighborhood Representatives which are a contact point for our home owners in their respective neighborhoods. Our Neighborhood Reps collect feedback and/or questions from our home owners in our neighborhoods and bring the feedback and/or questions to the HOA Board of Directors and/or our property management company, PSI Management.
There is one rep per neighborhood that is responsible to cast votes on certain issues that are put out for a home owner advisory vote. The voting rep will cast the final vote that represents that entire neighborhood. Before voting on any measure that was put out for a home owner advisory vote, the voting rep will be made aware of the advisory ballot results first.
You may contact your Neighborhood Rep by using the form below and an email will be sent to that rep.
Charles Bolwin
Kurt Clements
Rick Swartz - Voting Rep
Beverly Brown - Voting Rep
George Gianaris
Donna Morsovillo
Sandy Adams - Voting Rep
Matt Moore
Steve Nargang
Arnav Amin - Voting Rep
Prairie Star
Faye Gianaris
Bill Thompson - Voting Rep